Hello, I'm Alex. I am a design

leader, product strategist, coach

and innovation partner.

based in
Toronto, Canada
current role:
Director of User Experience, Hudson's Bay
Open to conversations!
Photo of Alex standing in front of an audience, smiling and leading a conversation.

Design Leadership,
Product Strategy & Innovation Expert

Alex currently works as the Director of User Experience at Hudson's Bay Company – Canada's oldest and most recognized retail brand.

Alex has been shipping consumer-ready and enterprise-grade software from concept to implementation for the last 12+ years. Alex is a product leader and design strategist that thrives in finding clarity in complex problems that exist outside of typical processes or frameworks.

Alex is a strong leader, mentor, coach and educator who inspires, nurtures and drives continuous improvements for high impact designers and design teams.

Photo of Alex standing and smiling, looking off-camera.

years of design production

Design systems, prototyping, beta testing, production, agile methodology, user acceptance testing, product launch & optimization


years of product leadership & strategy

Designed alongside Fortune 500 companies to workshop, research, strategize, strategically roadmap and deliver consumer & enterprise-grade digital products and experiences


years of design leadership

Directed, nurtured, and lead full design practices across pillars of design operations, product strategy & research, and integration of interaction, product, service and content design practices


Retail & Commerce

Integration between physical environments and digital offerings to create new in-store experiences.

Platform Design

Design & building technological foundations to offer complex interactive experiences for a wide variety of applications.

Multi-Channel Design

Integration of cohesive experiences across different devices and touch-points.

Design Leadership

Directing design team practice, including learning experiences, mentorship & coaching, and setting vision and guidelines for product design culture.

Product Strategy

Client workshopping, stakeholder management, user research, roadmapping, and business opportunities for novel interactive experiences.

Information Architecture

Specialize in mapping complex problem spaces for strategic alignment and clarity.


Some Notable Brands Alex Has Worked With


With the convenience and digitization of online marketplaces reducing relevance to physical marketplaces, how might we entice customers to return back into the physical marketplace by leveraging their online preferences?

How might we bring awareness to company organizational knowledge by leveraging the richness of informal interactions?

More case-studies coming soon.

AE Motion

A company that develops camping equipment for beginners and professionals.

Orange llc

A company that develops camping equipment for beginners and professionals.


A company that develops camping equipment for beginners and professionals.

trace original

A company that develops camping equipment for beginners and professionals.



is crafted

Designers are the craftspeople of culture.

When stepping back from the details to see the broader picture, the consistency of created interactions becomes the "way" in which users interact with the world around them. Being able to define these "ways" of life is the foundational bed of culture.


is informed

A designer's intuition is always informed.

Intuition is not a creative hunch; it is informed through years of exposure and trial & error to deeply understand cultural patterns.

A designer must always be informed when making calls with their intuition. Experience creates confidence. Assumptions must be tested to avoid ambiguity. When unsure, data will reveal insights; even leaps-of-faith can be tested.


reflects process

The quality of creative output is a reflection of the process.

Design output requires more than brilliant design input; the success of output is based on the quality of an organization's process to allow to mature into meaningful output. A designer is only as good as the system that allows their design to flow.


is design's output

Design is a problem solving approach that outputs more than just beautiful things.

The same process used to create meaningful products can be applied to develop business value and technological innovation. Design is not an artifact; it is a methodical approach towards innovation.


are the innovation

Design embraces limitations as informed constraints to deliver results.

Limitations are not the enemy – they are the conditions needed for innovation to occur. Innovation is measured in how successful output was created within the constraints of available resources.


Professional Timeline.

Key Experiences


Digital experience leader at Canada’s oldest and most recognized retailer Hudson's Bay. Sitting among digital leaders across design, product, engineering, analytics, site operations, content engineering and site reliability.

Director of User Experience, leading a team of 10 designers with 4 sub practices including design systems/operations, product design, content design, and strategy & research.

These days, Alex spends his after hours nerding out over self-learning about cognitive psychology, motivational psychology, personal journalling templates, launching Amazon products with friends, and working as a professional UX career coach.


Graduated with a Master of Design, Interaction Design & Innovation at the National Taipei University of Technology – to understand the cultural develop of digital products in the APAC region. Thesis exploration on a proposed interaction to combat distractions, by leveraging awareness towards intentions.

2020 – 2022

Returned to Toronto after graduating with a International Master of Design, Interaction Design & Innovation at the National Taipei University of Technology (2022).

Dissertation on "Self-Regulating Traction Towards Pursuits Through Awareness Prompting" a proposal to reclaim smartphone notifications as scheduled prompts towards one's own intentions, rather than to become forever distracted within the fight-for-attention-economy.

Since 2019

Design consultant for organizations ranging from startups to international corporations; includes the development of design systems, operations, cultural and team management structures. Independently coaching designer clients on personal and career growth.

2017 – 2019

Managed a team of design educators and teaching assistants while delivering full-time design learning programming (12-week cohorts) to adult professionals transforming their careers.

Directed and developed design learning curriculum across campuses, and managed the quality-control of design projects for up to 30 students per cohort, with high-quality output, consistent high educator rating, and successful placement rates.

2014 – 2016

Product design and strategic agile lead of the "Connected Mall" marketplace engagement platform (PaaS); from ideation to full implementation directly interfacing with client and leading a team of 4 designers and developers for implementation across iOS, Android, and Web channels.

2013 – 2014

Full-stack design (strategic concepts to public release) and product shipment for the world's top Fortune 500 brands ranging in healthcare, automotive, entertainment, retail & finance.

Co-developed strategic "discovery" design processes for sales team to engage new lines of business through pre-build engagements.

2012 – 2013

Project coordinator for the development of interactive content on large-scale touch media devices, including multi-touch surfaces, computer-vision applications, interactive television displays and large scale projection units.


Graduated from Carleton University's School of Architecture & Urbanism with a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, majoring in Design. Trained under the classic design methods of the Bauhaus.

2009 – 2011

Foray into mobile UI/UX design before formal processes, frameworks or training resources have been established. Explored novel ways of visualizing user flows (Illustrator), mocking up interfaces & assets production (Photoshop), and information architecture mapping to capture implementable product concepts.

Before 2009

Website design and interaction design hobbyist. Designed and hand-coded over 20+ mini websites throughout elementary and high school, and programmed micro utilities using Visual Basic. Constantly designing human-computer interactive concepts even without training.

Self-employed with Ontario's Summer Company Program, launching a sole-proprietorship company offering branding and website services to small-businesses.

Black and white photo of Alex sitting on a stool and looking off-camera.

Interview Questions Answers


Why did you pursue your Masters of Design, if you are already an established practitioner?

Professors take sabbaticals as breaks from their research work; so I thought it would be a good opportunity as a practitioner to take a break, and opt-in to the world of academia. Providing myself with space away from the hyper-speed of commercialization to go inward has allowed me to foster deeper musings on vision, philosophy, psychology, and the future of human computer interactions.

I believe that design requires perspective and approach beyond mere measurement of commercial output – that the way in which create is as relevant as what we create. Our work as designers is critical – it captures the hopes and dreams of humanity; it's necessary to take a step back to understand and approach our work with the rigor that allows making meaning out of requirements. To understand decisions through interaction research and critical inquiry allows us to make sense of the user interactions we create.

My dissertation research was a critical exploration on how consumptive media companies, whether conscious or not, promote the loss of user mental autonomy. To regain autonomy, which is an essential human psychological need, we can leverage HCI interactions by prompting awareness toward user intention as key interaction to keep user behaviour in track with intentions. In short, it was a proposed interaction to combat distractions to keep us on-track to the life we want.


What are some design-related topics that you're currently researching/exploring?

I’m absolutely fascinated by psychology; specifically learning psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive sciences. This helps me investigate human experiences one layer deeper than just interactions: such as the limits of cognitive capacity, conditions required for neurochemical release responsible for motivation, and how individuals or users construct behavioural mental models of their environments.

My interests in psychology split into three categories:

First is self-motivated behavior, with a particular interest with Ryan Deci’s Self-Determination Theory (SDT) which outlines three basic human psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness.

The second is how dopamine release schedule can be controlled to affect motivation in the context of user interactions.

And finally, socio psychology in the framework of organic community building and belonging – which you can see in my work building intimate design communities via the Makeshift Collective.


What particular things do you care about when it comes to design?

As design leader that works with high level concepts to the execution and public release of software, I care deeply about the implications of what we create. It’s one thing to build a compelling commercial experience – it’s another thing to understand how that will create cultural and behavioral shifts through larger scales of time.

I have also become fascinated with the idea of user “states” within user experiences. A user is often classified by their behavioral or "user" profile, capturing a predictive model of their preferential behaviors. However profiles don’t account for the changes in everyday interactions that are affected by different temporary “states”, such as moods, circumstances, routines, or scenarios. How might we design user experiences that accommodate to multiple user “states” rather than profiles?

And finally, I care deeply about the user well-being and how to create experiences that don't overload or fatigue users. We are working with an attention economy – and engagement has to be created meaningfully over bombarding users with notifications.


Why are you a designer? What's your mission?

I perceive design to be less of a vocation, more an approach to investigation that combines systems thinking with cultural investigation to produce interesting human experiences.

I care a lot about humans and their experiences – ever since I was young, I’d find myself imagining new ways for people to interact and would build new social groups, and new interactions online even with my personal acquaintances. I recently dug up an old drawing of a "digital chalkboard" concept I drew up in elementary school to reimagine how the classroom's chalkboard could increase accessibility and clarity to homework information. This value system isn’t something I simply learned – by living it, it radiates into everything that I do inside and outside of work.

My mission is to contribute to the cultural progression of our world through the interaction with technology, so that we can be healthier, happier, and increase well-being through community and the ability to self-author our own lives. I believe strongly that tech should help unlock human achievement, and not hinder it. Therefore there’s important ethics to always be considered behind everything that we create.


What unique value do you bring to companies you work with?

Many organizations seek designers when they have clear things to execute on; however, by definition this removes the process of creative exploration. I find this to be unfortunate – the skills of designers are more than ripe for contributing to innovation; but without a clear integration of autonomy and allowing innovation to trickle upward, talent becomes wasted.

I respond to this in three ways. First is to position myself as a strategic partner who also can tactically execute the mission. My practice thrives on navigating unchartered territories and blank canvases with an open and enthusiastic mind; guiding my team and stakeholders through the journey of discovery and expanding possibilities for new interactions and new lines of business.

Second is to lead designers on my team in a way that allows them to celebrate autonomy, mastery, and relatedness; this allows them to have a clear sense of how to contribute to the organization’s mission but also become leaders with influence as positive change-makers to all areas of an organization.

Third is to influence other parts of the functioning organization to leverage the creative abilities of a design team; to diversify design team functions to better suit the broad creative challenges of an organization. My role is straightforward here – to make handshakes and advocate for design across the org. Through this interaction alone I've been able to mature organizations' UX maturity by integrating design into broader organizational functions.

The output is to build, operate, and lead a team of design leaders, who affect their influence throughout the organization – and operate with strong missions towards organizational needs.


Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.

It really is an honour to have you spend the time to look over my professional profile and career. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at hello@alexmchong.ca

For a more portable format, you can check out my resume below and download a portfolio in slide-deck form.

CV & Portfolio PDF